Design Manifesto

by Andrew Hand

Posted on December 14, 2018 at 9:00 PM

The Process

All projects begin with an idea. It's something we initially can't put into words, but the concept exists. To bring it to life is a process; one we can all follow. The following is my personal experience for when I have an idea that I need to bring to life.


When I have an idea words are no good, but a picture says everything I need and more. Documenting my thoughts as sketches or dynamic visuals allows myself to ponder the meaning of my idea and solidify my concept of the goal. Putting the element of an idea on the page allows me to visually sort the aspects of my idea and conceptualize the complex components that will form from combining each element. Once I begin to understand my own idea, then there is direction and I can begin designing with a goal.


Taking a page of scribbles and sketches and giving them functionality is the next logical step. Just like any working theory, there is also practice, and often practice leads to results. It's one thing to think of an idea in your head and begin to understand it, but it's another to see it, touch it, and truly experience it firsthand. However, creating your final product should not be rushed. To be sure of your design before it's even been created is nothing short of overconfidence. Instead, bring the idea to reality should be the inspiration used to make something even better.

When your idea has drawn its first breath put it to the test. Test it yourself and see how it feels, but let others be the judge of your work because we are blind to our own faults. Listen to their feedback and address their concerns to strengthen your design.


Reflect on what you've learned. There is always room for improvement, something I learned after I started asking: what do you think? Once you begin to design you soon learn the process never truly ends. Eventually, you reach a point where your product is "finished" by context, but not by definition. Once we begin to create, we relate, and the message we spread is fluid throughout our all designs. It is my belief people create to express, whether it be their idealism, emotion, or hopes there is a story that they tell that won't end until they can't create any more. Let what you design be your story that manifests your essence to reality.

"Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it."

Salvador Dali

A special thank you to all my peers who helped me design these projects along the way. I hope you learned as much as me.